From Sun Mar 10 18:06:16 2002 Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 15:28:32 -0400 From: Suzie Smith To: Subject: Business Buzzword Bingo: Thank you! Resent-Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 13:26:45 -0700 (PDT) Resent-From: Karl Geiger Resent-To: Karl Geiger [ Part 1, Text/PLAIN (charset: ISO-8859-1 "Latin 1 (Western Europe)") ] [ 28 lines. ] [ Unable to print this part. ] [ The following text is in the "iso-8859-1" character set. ] [ Your display is set for the "US-ASCII" character set. ] [ Some characters may be displayed incorrectly. ] Dear Karl, As a Management professor at a small liberal arts college, I enjoy using your page in my classes for some comic relief at the end of our session on strategic planning. My students cackle with glee at the thought of actually playing the game in some of their OTHER business classes (of course, mine would never degrade to mere buzzwords!). Our faculty got an even bigger kick out of it as I showed it at a faculty workshop last week, and they all came up with ways to use it in their disciplines. I once thought the site was the official site, and I panicked when it went defunct. After some searching, I was relieved to learn you keep it going. Seems like there was a page for the education world (K-12) in the old .com site -- someone should revive it. Please keep the business page going! All the best, Suzie Smith ****************** Dr. Suzanne J. Smith Professor of Business Administration Presbyterian College Clinton, SC 29325 864-833-8454